Weydon School wins Battle of the Bands

Weydon School wins ‘Battle of the Bands’

Weydon School’s “Lower Bridge” have won “Battle of the Bands” at Prior's Field in Godalming winning the right to perform at this year’s popular summer festival, GuilFest on July 5 &6.

Battle of the Bands was created by Prior's Field to provide opportunities for students to perform to larger and more diverse audiences. The event is open to all local schools, who send one band (any age, any size) to compete. It's a friendly competition and an opportunity for young people to share their talents. As always, competition was fierce, with 12 state and private schools all represented by some exceptionally talented musicians.

The judges were particularly impressed by Weydon’s ability to write their own music, and the feedback included a standout comment from the GuilFest organiser, who said: "It was amazing to watch—it felt like watching an incredible stadium band!” Congratulations to band members Eddie Lawrence, Kit Jowett, Jess Meara, Charlie Ayton, and Jacob Cornwell.

Sam Wilson-King, Head of Music at Weydon commented “Their hard work, creativity and passion for music are evident and I am delighted they have been recognised in this competition. I am excited to see what the future holds for this talented group of young musicians.”

Lower Bridge 1   Battle of the Bands winners

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