Young Carers
Our Student Support Team is dedicated to providing support and guidance to all Young Carers within our school. Life at school provides challenges for all young people, but for those with a caring role at home there are often additional difficulties with their education. Steph Culham our Young Carer Lead is always available to assist with any questions or concerns you may have related to all Young Carers in our school community and can be reached by email
At Weydon School we offer a range of tailored support groups and activities specifically aimed at our Young Carers:
• Termly check in with all Young Carers
• In-school support with our Young Carers Google Classroom
• Weekly Cookie and a Chat lunch time club
• Trips and outings to provide respite for our Young Carers
• Larger half termly outings
• Christmas lunch and small gifts for our Young Carers
• Young Carer drop-in times in Student Support
• Young Carers Awareness assemblies in conjunction with Surrey Young Carers
At Weydon, our Student Support team collaborates closely with Progress and Achievement Leaders, Tutors and SENCO to assist our Young Carers as they transition into year 7 as well as supporting year 10’s and 11’s students navigate their next move, either to college or other future pathways. We also educate all of our students through their PSHE lessons about the value of our Young Carers and supply materials and learning resources to support this.
The Surrey Young Carers Angel Award was developed by Young Carers to help caring pupils be recognised and supported at school and support good practice. At Weydon we are fully committed and passionate about providing a nurturing and supportive environment which meets the needs of all of our Young Carers, we have been awarded the Young Carers Award and are recognised as a ‘Young Carer Friendly’ school.