Curriculum Overview

At Weydon School, we actively promote positive, inclusive values:

British Values

Weydon Curriculum Statement

The intent of our curriculum is to:

  • provide an inspiring educational experience for every student which:
  • explores beyond their boundaries and expectations
  • embraces student’s needs, talents and abilities and allows them to thrive
  • travels around the globe and is forward thinking and contemporary
  • develops creativity and intellectual curiosity for life
  • forms the foundations of a happy and fulfilled life
  • teach and build the character strengths and skills which encourages students to be independent, to succeed in life and make a positive contribution to society

Examples of this may be:

  • ensure students experience joy, wonder and develop a love of learning
  • challenge students to move from passive learners to scholars that challenge through academic enquiry
  • promote inspiration, aspiration, scholarship, resilience and high performance
  • promote the cultivation of successful relationships based on respect, care, challenge and high expectation
  • provide enrichment opportunities that are inspirational, aspirational and of a national standard
  • ensure inclusivity and equality of provision
  • ensure students achieve mastery with a deep, rich knowledge and skill base
  • ensure students embrace scholarship and high performance
  • provide opportunities for building the cultural capital required for academic and personal fulfilment and success
  • promote correct use and high standards of literacy, articulacy and numeracy


Please select subject area for curriculum information.