
Medical reminder

In order to keep our students safe, the rules around medicines in schools are very strict.
The school stock of paracetamol is available for emergencies only; if students require regular paracetamol this must be provided by the parent/carer. Paracetamol from school will only be administered from 10.40am – 1.35pm.
Should a student require any GP prescribed medication or over the counter purchased medication (including anti-histamine and migraine medication) during school hours, we require a signed consent form to be completed which is available to download from the website. All medication must be in the original packaging and state the student name, tutor group, dosage, times and date and the forms must be signed by a parent/carer.
All medication must be handed in to Student Reception / Medical Officer before registration. Students are not allowed to carry medication around with them.
The exception to this is for anaphylaxis pens, asthma inhalers and diabetic equipment. Individual Care Plan forms are required for these, they can be also be found online or collected from the Medical Officer in the medical room.