
Weydon school governors are people from the school’s community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. We are volunteers who attend meetings and work together to further Weydon’s development.

Together with the headteacher we set the future direction for Weydon and decide how the school’s budget should be spent.

The Governing body makes decisions collectively on matters such as setting strategic direction, school policies, ensuring accountability, the school’s development plan and monitoring and evaluating school performance.

Meet our governors

List of Governors 2024-25


To contact the Governors please email the Clerk on or by letter via the school office.

Memorandum of Association/Articles 

Annex B (Admissions)

Annex C (SEN)

Annex D (Exclusions)

Copies of the Minutes of termly Governing Body meetings are available for inspection in the school office.