Supporting Students

Support for our Weydon students can be accessed via the safeguarding  pages of the Student Learning Platform, which includes a safeguarding email address dedicated to student use and a variety of helpful resources and links. Log into your school google account and then use the following link:

Safeguarding for Students

Codes to join our wellbeing google classrooms are also available there or using the following link:

Weydon Wellbeing Student Support on Google Classroom

From the Wellbeing classrooms, students can reach out to their preferred staff member confidentially. All staff at our school take safeguarding children very seriously and all staff have been trained in safeguarding and child protection. If you need to talk, we are listening.

Child Protection Websites:

Click here to visit the Child Exploitation and Online Protection CEOP Centre Website

CEOP helps keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They help thousands of children and young people every year, as well as their parents and carers.

They can help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to them if something has happened to a child online which has made either you or your child feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone they know in real life, or someone they have only ever met online.

Click here to visit CEOP's Thinkuknow Website

To make a report click on the red CEOP button. This can be found here or at the bottom of the homepage.


The Think U Know 11-18 years website from CEOP Education at the National Crime Agency focuses on supporting young people with relationships online.


Mental health support - accessible for all