School Day Timings

At the start of each academic year every student will be given a Planner which must be brought into school each day. Planners have many functions and the form tutor will go through this with the students during the first week of term. The primary functions are to record all Home Learning given, log student progress, record achievements, and it is also a way for tutors to communicate with parents and vice versa.
Tutors will monitor the students’ planners on a regular basis, and we ask that parents also review and sign them each week. In the event of a planner being lost or damaged, a replacement can be purchased at a cost of £5.00.
A timetable will be handed out on the first day of each new term.
The timetable is rotated each term thus changing the order of the lessons in a day throughout the academic year.
It will detail the subject, room and teacher for each lesson.


