Religious Studies

The curriculum intent for RE at Weydon School can be expressed under 3 headings
Ambition for all
Knowledge for all
Understanding for all

Ambition for all

RE prepares students for success in later life by giving them an understanding of the beliefs and practices of other people. With this they are able to make a valuable contribution to society. 
Teachers and students will have high ambitions in RE especially for disadvantaged and SEND students.
The curriculum will be designed so that it enables students to achieve success.

Knowledge for all

RE will teach students substantive knowledge of religious beliefs and make connections with religious and non-religious practices.
Students will also understand the roots of religious and non-religious beliefs and practices how they have changed over time.

Understanding for all

RE students, alongside their substantive knowledge, will explore and develop their own values and beliefs.
While doing this they will attempt to connect their beliefs and values to religious and non-religious traditions.
By doing this will learn to evaluate their own beliefs and the beliefs of others.
Assessment at KS4 is based upon GCSE criteria. This information can be found through the examination boards.
Curriculum - Religious Studies  
Curriculum KS3 and KS4 Overview Download