Profile - Rowena Hearn

Rowena Hearn

I had the most fantastic 5 years at Weydon School, but as I came to leave I remained unsure about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I decided to further my studies at Farnborough Sixth Form College where I undertook A-Levels in English Literature, Business Studies and Law.

Throughout these 2 years, I felt an overwhelming amount of pressure from teachers and peers to go to University, however, I couldn’t quite face pushing myself into something unless my heart was 100% in it. This is when I stumbled across Unilever’s Business and Administration Apprenticeship advertised online. That very same day, I sent in an application and soon after, I was in the middle of the recruitment process and invited to attend an Assessment Centre.

I now work in marketing on Unilever Brand. Working in a professional environment on some of the biggest brands in the country has benefitted me to no end. I’m gaining the business skills to move forward in my career and earning a living, all whilst working towards a qualification. I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity.