Student Online Etiquette

Be Prepared:

  • Gather everything you need ahead of time (pencil case, textbooks, water bottle).
  • Make sure your device is fully charged and use the bathroom before your session starts.

Stay in One Spot:

  • Please stay in one place during the session; resist the urge to give a home tour or show your pets—it’s distracting for others.
  • Save those fun tours for later!

No Fun Backgrounds:

  • While there are fun backgrounds, please avoid using them during class. It can make it hard for others to see you.
  • Find a simple background with good lighting, but avoid sitting in front of windows with bright light behind you.

Start of the Session:

  • Your teacher will ask you to turn on your camera and microphone at the start to take the register.
  • Once the register is called, you can turn off your camera and microphone if needed.

Know When to Mute:

  • Use the mute button when you're not speaking to avoid background noise.
  • Remember to participate in discussions—your voice is important! The chat function is helpful, but live discussions are better.

Find a Quiet Spot:

  • Choose a quiet, distraction-free place to attend your sessions.
  • Make sure you're in an appropriate location for online learning.

Be on Time:

  • Log in a few minutes early to check your device is working and be ready for class.

Wait Your Turn:

  • Use a signal (e.g., raising your hand) if you have something to say, and be patient.

Chat Function:

  • Learn how to use the chat function to ask questions or contribute during the session.
  • You can also use the chat to send private messages to your teacher if needed.

Be Presentable:

  • Make sure you’re fully dressed (pyjamas don’t count) and that any family members in the background are appropriately dressed as well.

Be Respectful:

  • Treat the online session like you would in a regular classroom. Don’t chew gum, eat, or talk to siblings during the session.
  • Keep other devices (e.g., phones) out of sight—focus on the lesson!

Recording of Sessions:

  • All sessions, including chat, are recorded for safeguarding purposes. These recordings may be shared with your home if needed.

Sharing Links:

  • Don’t share your session link with anyone outside your class.

Session ID:

  • Use your full name for your session ID. Teachers won’t admit you if they don’t recognize you.

Final Words:

  • Preparing and delivering online lessons takes extra time and effort. Please respect your teachers' hard work.
  • If you don’t follow the rules, there will be consequences as per the school’s policy.
  • If you’re concerned about anything online, speak to your form tutor.