Recognition for DofE leaders with an invitation to Buckingham Palace

Weydon’s DofE Managers have been recognised for their outstanding work, leading to high levels of participation and inclusivity.

Nominated by the regional manager, leaders Emma Mitchell and Olivia O’Carroll enjoyed a fabulous day at the Gold Award Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, complete with tea, cake and inspirational speeches from the Duke of Edinburgh, Jill Scott and others. Special thanks must also go to the previous leader of DofE at Weydon, Carol Warnock, who ran the scheme for 20 years before relinquishing the reins to Emma and Olivia.

In a chance meeting and proud moment, Emma and Olivia also bumped into a number of former pupils at the Palace, who having completed their Bronze and Silver awards at Weydon, have gone on to complete their Gold award at College.

As well as having the highest participation rate of any school in the area (with over 200 students taking part), Weydon also has the highest participation rate amongst those with disabilities or special educational needs. Regardless of the different challenges, most notably around the expedition element, leaders have been able to adapt to ensure everyone can take part and experience success.

Other initiatives include a taster session run for a small group of students, mostly those with special educational needs or financial restraints. Olivia O’Carroll explains “We were unsure whether these students would sign up for DofE, but their tutors had nominated them as students who would enjoy or benefit from taking part in the award. Of these, 11 signed up for DofE and have since completed the expedition sections”. 

Another success story is the way the school managed to continue offering the scheme during the pandemic. Participants were given a host of ideas on ways they could continue their sections remotely from yoga classes at home for their physical to learning how to code as their skill or collecting shopping for vulnerable neighbours for their volunteering. Lots of students rose to the challenge and supported other members of our community. One student took the initiative to continue this style of volunteering in 2021 and delivered homemade cakes, raising £800 for charity. 

Due to restrictions, expeditions took a number of different formats. Where the camping element was not allowed, Weydon ran their own "The Great Weydon Trangia Cookoff" where teams made meals on their trangia with some impressive results including pad thai, burritos, even cinnamon eggy bread and pancakes!

To make up for lost time and ensure no one missed out, during 2021 the DofE team ran double the usual number of expeditions. Leaders went to great lengths to ensure students could experience as much of the expedition fun as possible. 

Learning new skills, overcoming obstacles, building confidence and resilience, helping others – these are all crucial life skills that really empower young people. Weydon are truly grateful for the commitment the DofE team have to ensuring this unique scheme is open to all students whatever their personal circumstances or whatever external challenges present themselves.

At the Palace