24 hour Sportathon at Weydon School

24 hour Sportathon at Weydon School

Possibly the most novel fundraising idea, Weydon school runs an annual Sportathon. The event is designed to provide students with a fun challenge that lasts for 24 hours whilst raising money for the PE department. This year almost 100 students took part.

Students in Year 8 and 9 are allocated teams and compete against each other in between 15 – 20 different sports including boccia, basketball, badminton, cricket, rounders, netball, football, handball, trampolining, rugby, dance, volleyball, tug of war, tchoukball, fitness, dodgeball, cornhole, table tennis, athletics and king ball.

The school catering team provides a curry early in the evening before students are further replenished with barbecue food cooked by the PE staff in the early hours.

Highlights of the event this year included the staff student basketball matches that took place between 1 and 2am, and the incredible way the students kept going – their perseverance, enthusiasm, teamwork and support for each other all on show.

The final total raised is not yet known but the money will be put to good use to fund new equipment and to facilitate further sporting opportunities for Weydon students.

This was clearly an opportunity to make some incredible memories and a massive thank you to all of the staff who popped in or stayed throughout the night to help.

“I really enjoyed the Sportathon as it challenged me and was fun. Being in teams motivated me not to give up even when I was tired. Raising money for the school also helped me to keep going through the night” Eva, year 8.

“I am so happy that I can do it all again next year!” Amy, year 8

“It was great to be able to help people to have that amazing experience and it was fun to try all different types of sport” Issie, year 10 helper
